Lest We Forget
Welcome to Dover's Virtual War Memorial
Patrons Dearly Remembered :
Dame Vera Lynn, CH, DBE, LL.D,
Patron 2010-2020
Admiral of the Fleet the Lord Boyce, KG, GCB,
Lord Warden and Admiral of the Cinque Ports and Constable of Dover Castle
Patron 2012-2022
The Virtual Memorial was created by The Dover War Memorial Project
to remember with
honour Dovorians
who fell
in the two world wars of the 20th century.
help us remember
those who died for us.
Welcome to Dover's Virtual Memorial. The Dover War Memorial Project
is run entirely by volunteers. The Project began on Remembrance Sunday, 2005, to honour all those we lost from
our front-line town, Dover; the Gateway to England.
Much information on the casualties of war is
freely available in public records or the internet - this site is different.
This site introduces the people we so sadly lost, not only in
records but as remembered by those who knew
them. The Virtual Memorial is made with love, dedicated to those who gave their
lives and to the relatives they left behind. In the past, the
present, and for the future, through many different initiatives and
programmes, The Dover War Memorial Project
preserves the memory of our Fallen, that it may remain forever
We are greatly privileged to work on the
Project, to meet so many kind and courageous people, and to learn so
much of the dedication and sacrifice of those who died.
Dover can never replace them, and our world is much the poorer.
Welcome, then, as you meet those who never came home.
As you join us, please remember in your thoughts and prayers those who gave
and those who continue to give so much.
Marilyn Stephenson-Knight
Simon John Chambers
For donations and other ways to help -
click here
For some of the many kind words the Project has received
here |
noble example of self-sacrifice, the monument commemorates may
help us to realize that the virtue of our lives will be
according to how freely we are willing to give them for our
fellow man without thought of reward except that which we shall
know in the giving." The War Memorial Committee, Dover, 1924
From little towns, in a far
land, we came,
To save our honour and world aflame;
By little towns, in a far land, we sleep,
And trust those things we won to you to keep.
The first phase of
The Dover War Memorial Project
was generously supported by
Town Council.
Thank you! |
With grateful thanks to our supporters in the second phase
Mr Paul Brown |
Pharos Lodge
No 6967 |
The Provincial Grand Master's Discretionary Fund
of the Masonic
Province of East Kent |
With grateful thanks to our
supporters in the third phase
Deal Fire Station
Charity Club
Deal, Dover, Sandwich & District
Branch |
The "Silly" Committee,
Dover Firefighters |
Councillor Gordon Cowan, of Kent
County Council |
The Dover War Memorial Project is run solely by
volunteers. Please read the
disclaimer |

The George Cross for Dover! |
The Heritage Lottery Fund 2010 was the
90th anniversary of the return of the Unknown Warrior. The
Heritage Lottery Fund approved a grant enabling young
people in Dover, Chatham, and London to learn about his
significance through the stories of six casualties of the Great
War. Updates on "Latest
News" and report in "From
the Front" issue 4.
Educational resources suitable for
Key Stage 2 are
here |
With especial gratitude to Mrs Joyce Banks, for her
unfailing help and dedication to the memory of our Fallen
Logo - The Town War Memorial at Dusk, photographed by
Michelle Cooper
Verse - "From Little Towns" by Rudyard Kipling, on
the Sault Sainte Marie Memorial, Ontario, Canada